註冊一個全區域的熱鍵,即是應用程式沒有被 focus 也能收到熱鍵。
網路上找到的通用類別,可輕易註冊想使用的 hotkey 然後自己寫對應的 handler

using System;
using windowcatch.ChatClient;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ChatClient
public delegate void HotkeyEventHandler(int HotKeyID);
/// System wide hotkey wrapper.
/// Robert Jeppesen
/// Send bugs to robert@durius.com
public class Hotkey : System.Windows.Forms.IMessageFilter
System.Collections.Hashtable keyIDs = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
IntPtr hWnd;
/// Occurs when a hotkey has been pressed.
public event HotkeyEventHandler OnHotkey;
public enum KeyFlags
MOD_ALT = 0x1,
MOD_SHIFT = 0x4,
MOD_WIN = 0x8
public static extern UInt32 RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 id,
UInt32 fsModifiers, UInt32 vk);
public static extern UInt32 UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 id);
public static extern UInt32 GlobalAddAtom(String lpString);
public static extern UInt32 GlobalDeleteAtom(UInt32 nAtom);
/// Constructor. Adds this instance to the MessageFilters so that this class can raise Hotkey events
/// A valid hWnd, i.e. form1.Handle
public Hotkey(IntPtr hWnd)
this.hWnd = hWnd;
/// Register a system wide hotkey.
/// form1.Handle
/// Your hotkey
/// ID integer for your hotkey. Use this to know which hotkey was pressed.
public int RegisterHotkey(System.Windows.Forms.Keys Key, KeyFlags keyflags)
UInt32 hotkeyid = GlobalAddAtom(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
RegisterHotKey((IntPtr)hWnd, hotkeyid, (UInt32)keyflags, (UInt32)Key);
keyIDs.Add(hotkeyid, hotkeyid);
return (int)hotkeyid;
/// Unregister hotkeys and delete atoms.
public void UnregisterHotkeys()
foreach (UInt32 key in keyIDs.Values)
UnregisterHotKey(hWnd, key);
public bool PreFilterMessage(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m)
if (m.Msg == 0x312) /*WM_HOTKEY*/
if (OnHotkey != null)
foreach (UInt32 key in keyIDs.Values)
if ((UInt32)m.WParam == key)
return true;
return false;

Hotkey hotkey;  // 宣告類別            
hotkey = new Hotkey(this.Handle);  // 指定 this.Handle 給 hotkey 類別
int Hotkey1 = hotkey.RegisterHotkey(System.Windows.Forms.Keys.D1, Hotkey.KeyFlags.MOD_CONTROL);  // 註冊 ctrl+1 為全域熱鍵
hotkey.OnHotkey += new HotkeyEventHandler(OnHotkey);   // 指定熱鍵發生時的 handle function
接下來只要寫好 OnHotkey 要處理的事情就好。


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